Hi! I'm Monowar,

a driven student with a passion for Computer Science and a vision for positive change in the youth community. I believe, "The youth is the hope of our future"

As the founder of Aruddho Ekattor, a non-profit youth organization, I strive to empower and inspire young individuals. Join me on this transformative journey of making a lasting impact on society.

Through my outstanding academic record and diverse professional experiences as a Graphic Designer and IT specialist, I've honed my skills in graphic and web design, leadership, and organizational work.

My Projects

Driven by a passion for effecting positive change, my journey as a youth activist has been fueled by a deep desire to make a meaningful impact in our society. Motivated by this aspiration, I conceived the idea for these projects.

Learn more about my projects: Mon Kothon, Asha, Skill Hunt, Ramadan etc.


My Organization

Aruddho Ekattor - Youth has the power to make dreams come true!

After gaining 3 years of experience, I founded 'Aruddho Ekattor', a non-profit youth organization that works to build an innovative and creative young society by increasing the knowledge and skills of the younger generation.


Designing & Coding

I had a passion for learning programming languages as I wanted to be a game developer when I was a child. Till now, I worked on some projects and updated them in Github. And my graphic designing journey started by participating in Google Code In 2019. Check my Behance to see awesome stuffs!


Achievements 🏆

As I grew older, I thought about the things that I have achieved. To my surprise, I haven’t accomplished a lot.

I believe, Achievements of today are the stepping stones for the future ones.


Recent Experiences

  • CEO - Aruddho 71

    A non-profit youth organization that works to build an innovative and creative young society.
    Nov 2021 - Present

  • Designer - DP Tutorials

    DP Tutorials, an award-winning college admission consultant serving 1000+ students.
    Apr 2023 - Present

  • Designer - Mojaru

    Mojaru is an ed-Tech company teaching students with fun!.
    Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

Important Links

Explore my journey through art, professional growth on LinkedIn, insightful articles, and exciting projects. Let's connect and collaborate! 🚀

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